PCDS Mentor Program

The Philadelphia County Dental Society’s Mentorship Program goal is to connect our member dentists with predental students, current dental students, dental residents, and new dental graduates in the Philadelphia area. This program offers a valuable opportunity to receive guidance and support from established professionals in the dental field as they navigate their educational journey and prepare for their future careers.

Once the mentorship is established, mentees and mentors have the freedom to connect and collaborate as needed. The program encourages regular meetings and discussions, during which mentors can provide guidance, share insights, and address any challenges that the mentees may encounter. These mentorship sessions serve as valuable platforms for students to seek advice on various aspects of their professional development, ranging from clinical skills and patient management to practice management and career planning.

Experienced Philadelphia Dental County Society members, we appreciate your leadership, dedication, and time commitment in becoming a mentor in our mentorship program. We invite you to share your knowledge and expertise with our mentees and future members/leaders in organized dentistry.

You will make a lasting impact on the future of dentistry and help shape the careers of aspiring dental professionals. This will be a great practice builder attractive to your community, enhance your professional growth, and improve career satisfaction. Please complete the form below if you're interested in mentoring so we can connect you with a mentee.